10 Rules to Follow for Small Business Success


You may have been looking at several entrepreneurs who run small businesses as easy as breathing. You may have also thought if you could do it yourself and get away from the boring 9-5 life.

Well, fret no more as there only 10 easy rules you will need to follow in order to succeed in running a small business until your heart's content. Get a pen and a paper and take notes because we will tackle all of the rules in this article.

Rule 1

Target - What you offer may not be what all people need. Focus on a target market and then work your way from there

Rule 2

Beat the norm - Whatever your competitors are doing, don't follow it, at least not right away. Be a rebel and deviate from the usual in order to make sure that what you offer actually sticks to the long term memory of people instead of the short term

Rule 3

Get Teammates - Don't just hire people to fill a spot, select the few that are actually interested in making your business grow.

Rule 4

Ride the wind - Time is your most important asset. Always make sure that deadlines are met and responses are quick.

Rule 5

Don't forget to say thank you - This may seem like something that is not really important, but a customer can become much happier if you express your gratitude when they do business with you. It's the little things that make customers come back for more.

Rule 6

Consistency - You will need to make sure that how the customers feel today, is the same with what they feel tomorrow should they require your services again. And you will also need to make sure that all customers are treated the same all the time.

Rule 7

Smile - Once again, it's the little things that count and therefore this shouldn't be treated with low regard. A simple smile can compliment your service and marks an impression on the customer.

Rule 8

Be optimistic - A positive attitude is always needed in running a small business. Remember, the glass is always half full and nothing else.

Rule 9

Don't go too hard - Soft selling is what you should be doing. Aggressive hard selling only makes customer want to get away from you. Solving their problems and satisfy their wants.

Rule 10

Don't be narrow-minded - Try and leave the comfort of your little corner and explore new things. Deviate from the standards and seek out new ways that may work for you in ways you never thought it could.